Product: The next big thing in e-commerce!

Product: The next big thing in e-commerce!

India’s e-commerce space that has been evolving at a rate of knots with no other parallel around the world now stands at a very interesting juncture.   Over the last 7 years obnoxious amount of money was poured in to the e-commerce space by VCs from across the world. This was absorbed by the startups, some by […]

How to be in the 20 % of Start-ups which succeed?

How to be in the 20 % of Start-ups which succeed?

I am sure you all know that there are various surveys, studies and analysis done globally which conclude that majority of start-ups fail. If this statement makes you feel uncomfortable, it is meant to.   Because unless you feel uncomfortable and, therefore, become more careful you will join the 80%. However, if you do things […]